Lawn mowing in autumn, winter and March - when is it okay to cut your grass?

Is your lawn in need of some attention? Here's how the correct mowing can help create the perfect grass without the need for expensive treatments or time-consuming seeding.

A lawn mower with freshly cut lawnHere's all you need to know about cutting your grass (Credit: Pexels)

Is your lawn in need of some attention? Here's how the correct mowing can help create the perfect grass without the need for expensive treatments or time-consuming seeding.

How often should I cut my lawn in autumn and winter?

The shorter day and cooler temperatures mean that your lawn will start to grow a lot slower than over spring and summer, but there will still be growth before the icy grip of winter sends your grass into hibernation.

Throughout autumn, give your lawn a mow every one to two weeks - but remember to lift the cutting height. You can also use your mower - if it is a rotary type - to help clear fallen leaves from the lawn.

As autumn slips into winter, it will be time to mothball your mower, retire inside and wait for the wistful rays of springtime sun to return. 

How to mow my lawn in the spring and summer 

With spring and summer in sight and lockdowns coming to a close, Brits will soon be bursting free from the country's lounges and once again embracing the joys of their garden.

From family get togethers to impromptu games of football and badminton, lawns across the UK will once again become the centre of family life as we emerge from the Covid crisis and look forward to better days to come.

But what if your lawn is lacking the lush green look we all yearn? Don't despair, following our mowing tips can help nurture the ideal lawn for a full summer of activities.

Getting ready for the first lawn cut of the year

With a hard winter of rain, gales and snow behind us, your lawn will be home to a host of unwanted debris collected over the colder months - and clearing this is where your new lawn mowing journey begins.

Grab your lawn rake and give the grass a good groom, removing moss, debris and other dead vegetation.

This will give your lawn the air it needs to regenerate as warm spring air kicks in.

Raking the lawn will also bring up flattened grass and leave it ready to enjoy its first cut of the year.

Getting your mower ready to mow

We're not quite ready to start cutting just yet! First you'll need to give your mower a quick check.

Making sure the machine is switched off or unplugged, check the machine's blade is clean and sharp.

Blunt blades can damage grass and create a poor finish to the lawn.

As a rule, you should sharpen your mower blade at least once during each mowing season - or around every 25 hours of mowing time. This will deliver a healthier, happier lawn.

When should I cut my lawn for the first time in spring 2021, UK

While climate varies across the UK, firing-up your lawn mower in the first couple of weeks during April will typically be the best time to deliver the season's first cut.

Don't leave the first cut too late

When spring finally kicks in, lawn growth can rapidly accelerate out of control - leaving thick, or flattened grass that's difficult to cut.

Hacking away at an overgrown lawn will result in damaged grass and a lot more work to nurse it back to health.

How short should I cut my grass? 

The first cut should certainly not be the deepest when it comes to your lawn.

When mowing your grass for the first time, never cut more than a third of the blade length.

Cutting any more than this will damage the grass and stunt its growth and encourage weed growth.

You can reduce this length over the coming months, but erring on the side of a slightly longer cut will improve the overall health and appearance of your lawn.

What time of day should I cut the lawn?

The optimum time to mow your lawn is mid-morning, between the 8am-10am when the sun is cool. However, if this is not possible, early evening will also offer a safe window away from the scorching midday sun.

When is the best time to water my lawn after cutting it?

Watering at the wrong time can lead to problems for your lawn. Here's the information you need to know about the best time to give your grass a drink.

LATE IN THE EVENING: Watering your lawn in the late evening can cause fungal problems as the grass will not have time to dry out before night falls.

MIDDLE OF THE DAY: The middle of the day is typically the hottest time of day in the spring and summer months, so watering at this time can see the water evaporating before it can be absorbed - and droplets in the grass can act as a magnifying glass and see the sun scorching your lawn.

BEST TIME TO WATER: The best time to water your lawn is first thing in the morning when cooler temperatures prevail - giving the moisture more time to be reach the roots and hydrate your grass.

Change the mowing direction occasionally

Vary the direction you mow in occasionally, otherwise you will see the grass flatten and start to lose condition.

Don't forget the edges or around trees

Don't ignore the areas a mower can't reach, purchase a petrol or electric strimmer to trim those hard-to-reach areas for the perfect finish.

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