What day and time are driving tests released each week?

With long delays for learner drivers looking to book driving tests - as a result of backlogs stemming from the pandemic and industrial action carried out by examiners - motoring journalist and expert Pete Barden looks at what day of the week, and what time specifically, new driving test slots are released to help learners get the best chance of booking one at the earliest opportunity. 

Booking a driving test - but have they all been cancelledWhat day and time are driving tests released?  (Credit: gdsteam)

What day are new driving tests released on the website?

The DVSA says new driving test slots are released on a Monday - for the following 24-week period. Availability varies between test centres so it advises candidates to keep looking regularly for a suitable date and time. Widening to other test centres can improve your chance of getting an earlier test date.

Confirming the Monday morning release date on 4 October, a spokesperson for the DVSA said: "If we have availability for the next 24 week window these will be on the system ready to book on a Monday, however please note it is a live booking system so cancellations can appear at any time."

The DVSA has previously also said: “Availability varies between test centres so we advise you to keep looking regularly for a suitable date and time,”

The agency added: “You may want to widen your search to other test centres.”

What time on a Monday are driving tests released?

You'll need to be up early to take advantage of the new driving test slots being released on a Monday morning each week, a spokesperson for the DVSA told Pete Barden Motoring News: "We tend to release dates first thing in the morning. I would advise you to check from 6am when our online system opens."

So start checking from 6am on a Monday if you want to grab a slot within the following 24-week period. 


* indicates required

How long is the wait for a driving test? 

Learner drivers are having to wait much longer to get a driving test slot than in the past - with waiting times for test dates anything from two to six months depending on where you live in the UK. 

A freedom of information request submitted by AA Driving Schools to the Driver Vehicle Standards Agency has revealed that the average waiting time for a driving test in Great Britain has increased compared to pre-Covid levels at most centres.

The FoI data indicates that, at the start of February, aspiring drivers had to wait an average of 14.8 weeks from the time of booking to take their test. By early May, this average waiting time had risen to 17.8 weeks, marking a 20% increase.

Additionally, the number of test centres with average waiting times of 24 weeks – the maximum that the system could record – grew from 94 in early February to 125 by the beginning of May.

There are three main reasons for the delays. Firstly, the DVSA has said an increase in forecast demand has been caused by a stronger than expected economy, which has put more candidates into the market - therefore adding increased pressure to the system and pushing up waiting time. 

Additionally, the driving examiners' industrial action across many months earlier this year saw many tests cancelled, pushing those candidates back into the booking system and, in turn, pushing up wait times even further. At the moment there is no new industrial action planned by the examiners, so this should see some pressure taken off the system which should translate into reduced waiting times for tests.

Finally, the DVSA says low confidence in the driving test booking system by learner drivers has also led to increased delays. This is because many new drivers are not confident in securing a driving test, so are booking on as soon as they have passed their theory test - before many haven't even sat behind the wheel of a car.

In the past, pupils would take driving lessons for around six to eight weeks and only book a test appointment when the instructor considered them ready. Now they book early and are often not ready when the test comes around, so either cancel late or fail the test - pushing them back into the system and, again, increasing waiting time for a driving test slot. 

Don't expect the situation to ease any time soon, with the DVSA predicting that extended delays will continue well into 2024. 

Driving test waiting time information by region

Region Average Wait Time (weeks) Shortest Wait Time (weeks) Longest Wait Time (weeks)
South East 23.00 2 24
Greater London 17.00 2 17
South West 21.86 13 24
East of England 20.00 12 22
West Midlands 18.50 10 20
Yorkshire and the Humber 19.00 11 21
East Midlands 22.00 14 23
North West 19.50 12 22
Scotland 20.50 14 23
Wales 21.00 15 24

Table created by analysis from data sources including the AA Driving School Report and Gov.UK

Top ten driving test pass rates by centre

Here are the UK driving test centres with the top pass rates, according to a study from Howden Insurance. Useful data for candidates choosing which test centre they should book.

Rank  Test Centre  Pass Rate 
1  Montrose  74.8 
2  Peebles  74.2 
3  Hawick  73.3 
4  Forfar  72.6 
5  Lerwick  70.1 
6  Girvan  69.7 
7  Kelso  69.3 
8  Stranraer  68.5 
9  Fraserburgh  66.3 
10  Kendal  66.0 

Top ten lowest driving test pass rates by centre

Here are the top 10 driving centres with the lowest pass rates in the UK.

Rank  Test Centre  Pass Rate % 
1  Swindon  21.5 
2  Speke  32.0 
3  Doncaster  32.5 
4  Erith  32.8 
5  Belvedere  33.5 
6  Wolverhampton  35.5 
7  Featherstone  37.4 
8  Rochdale  37.5 
9  Wednesbury  37.7 
10  Bury  38.0 

Are driving examiners planning any new strikes?

At the moment there are no planned strikes by driving examiners, but this could change. We will keep this page updated regarding potential industrial action by examiners.

Are theory tests being cancelled because of industrial action?

No. The industrial action behind strikes is not affecting theory tests, so candidates should be ready to take this test as normal, or they could lose their fee.

Where can I book a theory test online through an official website?

The theory test can be booked online here. It is important to book through the official Gov.UK site or you could pay more than you need to.

When making the booking, you will need the following information to hand:

To take one of these exams for a car, you will need to have resided in England, Wales or Scotland for a minimum of 185 days in the past 12 months before the day you sit the theory or practical exam.

The charge for car and motor bike candidates is £23 and must be paid at time of booking the examination.

Are theory test being taken remotely online?

No. The examinations are held on site in an approved centre. Currently, it is up to you if you want to wear a mask if in England. However, with the pandemic still seeing new variants of concern evolving, the advice may change at short notice so always check the latest status before heading to the centre

Are practical driving tests being cancelled?

No. Official centres are currently working seven days a week, with out of hours examinations also being offered. However, with reports of 450,000 - 500,000 examinations having been cancelled during Covid-related lockdowns there are inevitably long delays in booking the practical assessment.

What is being done about third-party booking sites buying up test slots?

Loveday Ryder of the DVSA also spoke out about third-party booking sites using 'bots' to scrape test centre websites to buy up slots as they become available, then sell them on at inflated prices - or even let them go to waste.

She confirmed that new anti-bot systems have been introduced to tackle this issue and help free up more tests for those who've previously had them cancelled or want to book a new one.

Can I change my current test date for an earlier one?

If you already have a practical test booked, you can attempt to swap it for an earlier cancellation by checking out the official Government site.

To use this service, log on to the Gov.UK site here

How likely are driving tests to be cancelled?

While many were cancelled due to industrial action by driving examiners in the first months of 2023, there is no action currently planned for June or coming months. However, this could change if unions decide to announce more strikes. Pete Barden Motoring News will keep this section updated.

Cancellation time limit for driving tests could be changing

The DVSA is proposing that the driving test candidates must cancel their test at least ten days before the appointment if they want to avoid losing their fee. The current time limit is three working days. You can cancel your driving test here.

Making this change, the DVSA believes, would allow more cancelled tests to be taken by another driver and help reduce the waiting list by making up to 117,000 driving tests available each year. These figures are based on cancellations seen between April and December in 2021.

The agency said: "We’re proposing that people would need to move or cancel their car driving test at least 10 full working days before the appointment to avoid losing their test fee, rather than the current 3 full working days."

How to contact the DVSA?

You can find all contact details for the DVSA here.

What do I need to take to my driving test?

Candidates must take:

  • their UK driving licence
  • their theory test pass certificate, if you have it.

Are more men or women passing their driving test  - and are pass rates going up (cars)?

Metric and time period Total Female Male
Tests Conducted: Jul to Sep 2022 412,714 197,547 215,069
Tests Passed: Jul to Sep 2022 200,966 92,325 108,606
Pass Rate (%): Jul to Sep 2022 48.7% 46.7% 50.5%
Tests Conducted (%): Annual change +2.8% +0.5% +5.0%
Tests Passed (%): Annual change +0.9% -1.0% +2.6%
Pass Rate (percentage points): Annual change -0.9 -0.7 -1.2

Driving test pass rates by year and month 

Have you ever wondered if there preferable month to take a practical driving test - giving you more chance of passing? The following data can help add some insight. Summer months would appear to be provide more passes by percentage, but look out for anomalies caused by the pandemic. 

Month Tests Conducted Tests Passed Pass rate (Percentage)  Forward Bookings [note 3] 
January-2019 137,431 64,112 46.7  194,438
February-2019 125,264 56,639 45.2  200,869
March-2019 136,783 62,876 46.0  202,317
April-2019 127,086 59,527 46.8  213,876
May-2019 134,395 62,372 46.4  228,337
June-2019 131,949 60,673 46.0  241,388
July-2019 147,795 68,161 46.1  251,678
August-2019 124,424 57,792 46.4  254,079
September-2019 135,450 62,316 46.0  261,985
October-2019 153,153 70,440 46.0  264,118
November-2019 152,643 68,569 44.9  257,060
December-2019 119,206 53,564 44.9  240,249
January-2020 151,871 69,861 46.0  226,004
February-2020 138,678 62,950 45.4  219,786
March-2020 82,916 38,375 46.3  217,102
April-2020 606 371 61.2  217,934
May-2020 2,053 1,155 56.3  215,198
June-2020 3,605 1,922 53.3  213,996
July-2020 21,160 11,976 56.6  208,948
August-2020 66,684 33,431 50.1  180,124
September-2020 100,676 49,091 48.8  181,902
October-2020 115,213 55,730 48.4  374,769
November-2020 28,120 14,094 50.1  419,192
December-2020 97,927 49,261 50.3  425,683
January-2021 939 508 54.1  427,207
February-2021 68 54 79.4  433,185
March-2021 301 214 71.1  431,563
April-2021 39,570 22,260 56.3  431,264
May-2021 118,258 61,343 51.9  478,080
June-2021 133,489 66,804 50.0  484,244
July-2021 135,728 67,705 49.9  516,511
August-2021 125,427 63,031 50.3  532,874
September-2021 140,212 68,403 48.8  568,327
October-2021 134,191 65,100 48.5  558,533
November-2021 149,072 71,657 48.1  554,569
December-2021 136,480 65,087 47.7  539,097
January-2022 140,871 66,627 47.3  524,023
February-2022 131,266 60,640 46.2  527,658
March-2022 153,750 73,257 47.6  527,048
Apr-22 126,220 62,647 49.6  511,986
May-22 141,768 68,494 48.3  526,233
Jun-22 136,142 65,664 48.2  545,337
Jul-22 133,443 65,100 48.8  544,919
Aug-22 139,488 68,368 49.0  523,484
September-2022 139,804 67,501 48.3  542,707
October-2022 146,399 70,181 47.9  564,824
November-2022 163,143 77,258 47.4  550,286
December-2022 115,641 56,486 48.8  583,119
January-2023 146,778 71,236 48.5  545,306
February-2023 143,860 68,818 47.8  539,037
March-2023 156,269 75,022 48.0  534,347
April-2023 124,812 61,586 49.3  551,336
May-2023 159,548 77,522 48.6  551,271
June-2023 149,071 71,778 48.2  548,932
July-2023 143,719 70,403 49.0  552,129
August-2023 146,092 72,044 49.3  561,776
September-2023 142,279 68,828 48.4  566,245
October-2023 169,906 81,595 48.0  572,665
November-2023 196,481 92,059 46.9  543,942
December-2023 152,474 72,153 47.3  539,332
January-2024 188,179 88,913 47.2  531,783

(Source Gov.uk)

When is the best and worst month to pass your driving test?

Working with the Gov.uk data above, which gives accurate test results over three previous years, analysis shows the following months are the best and worst for candidates achieving a pass: 

  • Best Month (Highest Average Pass Rate): February with an average pass rate of 52.8%.
  • Worst Month (Lowest Average Pass Rate): November with an average pass rate of 47.5%.
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Author: Pete Barden:

Twitter: @pete_barden

Pete Barden is a qualified journalist who has written and produced for publications including The Sun (thesun.co.uk), New Statesman Media Group, Whatcar? (Whatcar.com) Stuff Magazine (Stuff.tv), Fastcar Magazine (Fastcar.co.uk), Maxim Magazine and UK broadcast stations within the Heart network (Formerly GCAP). Pete specialises in motoring and travel content, along with news and production roles. You can find out more about Pete Barden on LinkedIn.

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